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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Friday, December 31, 2010

HOHO!Hey guys Merry Christmas yeah!I noe im late but i do wish rite..Okay nvm!
Omo!Another 45 more mins its gonna be New Year!I cant wait!Lets Start a new fresh life aites!
OKay let me tell u my schedule..Last week,i went to Causeway Point wf my sister and cousin and auntie to watch movie!I had so lot much 101% fun!First we book tickets to watch Guillivers Travel 3D,SYIOK!!!Then we go to Timezone!OMFG!That was the most fun Timezone experience ever!!Dont want to tell manie2 ahh wanna watch Live tele okay!Bye!
words spilled @ 7:14 AM / leave goosebumps here

»Busy Like A Bee!Bzzzz!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

HUhu!Hi-Yum!Its been quite long sing i update my last post yeah!The reasonly is that i've been quite busy as skool is drawing near,lots of activities to be done on the weekend..Bout the weekend things is really a weekend junks..My schedule for weekend is super duper busy!I've been going out wf my uncle families for about 3 weeks and this weekend we're gonna go on a picnic and this Sunday we're goin on another third time kite flyin,but this time at woodlands...And yah tomorrow im goin to my new skool and its Regent and guess still same skool as Amirul...Then this friday my auntie,my uncle wife that my family been goin out wf us is bringin me and my sister watch movieand i still forget wats the title of it...BTw this while i dont why i've been wf SHinee and Taemin...Hmm..
words spilled @ 12:55 AM / leave goosebumps here

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hi-Yum!haishh bowling activity been postpone to next week due my uncle who is late for work and do not have time to send us to the bowling place!Haiz!!Ok gtg bye!BEAST/B2ST Rocks always and forever!!!!
words spilled @ 3:17 AM / leave goosebumps here

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hi-yum!Wth!just now heard the thunder than now rainning already!

How??@ my auntie house wf my cousin here..Easy say so manie people lah!How?It will be so cold!There no blanket!!Now not alone aninore,auntie woke up go outside the house do something...Cousins sleeping and the other cousin in the room play com wf friend!On the music from com very loud in the middle of the nite wait2 wat time is it now?OO its 1.03 am in the morning!!Erghhh so cold the wind from outside came inside!Bck here,mom in the room watching tv or wat auntie watching or listening to radio in the room and me in the living room alone wf eyes wide open infront of the lap!Its dark!!Btw everybody close their door!Aniway later fun abit sleep in the crowd!Heheh!Ok my butt is pain sit infront of the lap and siting for couple hr on the chair!Sleepy!Gonna of9 soonMy mom wanna use!BTW the picture i use is a picture of a show that Gi Kwang owns!Now im obsessesd wf SPX shoes!Manie kpop artist use that kind of shoes!!!GTG!Bye-Yum!
words spilled @ 8:57 AM / leave goosebumps here


Hi-Yum!Ipp just came bck from West Coast,play kite!Tired!!

Leg also very pain!Btw i play kite wf my cousin and that include Adib Farhan..

And that time instead of fighting we're work together!Haha!But fight a little bit ippp!Guess wat tomorroe will play bowling!Awww can't wait!That also include Adib Farhan!SO many things now include Adib Farhan!But tomorrow gonna be fun!!!IL this photo so much and sorry for using this once more time!But next time will use other okay!Bye-Yum!
words spilled @ 7:00 AM / leave goosebumps here

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hi-yum!So hows ur day today?Me as usual lah BEAST Fighting!

SO all this while been slightly busy wf k-pop things!First wf 2010 Golden Disc Award voting than allkpop voting and last date we can vote is 31st December okay still gt manie time rite!OK thnks to boifie for voting BEAST,Nurul Nadirah,Nadirah too!!SOo Hwaitting/fighting BEAST!!LOVEUALL!!

words spilled @ 2:05 AM / leave goosebumps here

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hi-Yum!Guess Fb becaming so boring now,plus the games now...Nth more to do now in Fb..Lucky im in this generation bcos next year ill be soo busy and tired until i've no time to on the com/lap even if im not busy ill do aniething to make no time for the com/lap!But now,when i've nth to do in the fb my friendly friends which is,Blog,Twitter and youtube will make me alive bck cuz there so manie things we can do in this website and its worth it..Like now im using the blog!I can express and say anithing i want..!I love Twitter bcos it connect us to the other world and the ones that we dont noe to make friends!Twitter is the best aite and it is even better than Fb cuz fb onli connect us to the one we know and if the artist have fb then so manie people add them until 5+++ the rest cannot add already!So twitter is the best and youtube we can find anie intresting vid and i always find my boyfriends vid bcos they talented!<3
words spilled @ 3:38 AM / leave goosebumps here

»Fly To??
Monday, December 6, 2010

Hey guys,its raining now but nvm y should i

care rite haha!Huhu can't wait to fly kite at West Coast!I wanna challenge my
cousin Farhan wf the kite flying!!!Think
i should fly to Seoul chey just kiddin,fly to living room and do the hennaing aites!Bye-yume and dont forget to take care my boyfrens beside here!!!Haaha!!

words spilled @ 2:04 AM / leave goosebumps here

»LIST Of things to Do..
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hi-Yume!!Its night now bout 0915..

Just gonna update a list of thing my family and i gonna do

this week and some other week..
(J means sucess)
->Celebrate my bithday party. (J)
->Fly Kite this Satuday @ West Cost.
->Go Swimming maybe @ Wild2 Wet.
->Go to my new school @ Regent Sec.
Guess what all the things list up there
include my cousin, Adib Farhan...AIGOO!!!
Then just now my bdae party Kak ain gave me a mug pretty u noe,haha!
Then now i gt $61 later left $56 if i gave my sis...
Okay done Bye-Yume!
words spilled @ 5:14 AM / leave goosebumps here

»STILL upsad but!!

Hi-Yume!Haishh,still upsad bout BEAST concert..TT_TT.!!!
IDK what to say?Is BEAST still in Singapore?Maybe they are...
I can't stand it..Dhyrah miss Kim Hyun Jung and i miss BEAST..
Such a waste like what Diyanah says!But nvm my friend Irrah gerlgerl Siow will keep me update if BEAST comin to Singapore!then we will go to the Airport together2 to see up-close wf the BEAST!
Then Just now and yesterday my auntie gave $10 then my father gave me $30..I keep appreciate that $40 even though its little..
Then if BEAST nver get to come to Singapore i will go to Justin Bieber concert what to do rite want BEAST but then JB but sure BEAST will come..!For Sure!Yesterday concert that BEAST made the ticket cost,$35 onli isn't it cheap but have to stand behind2 ahh so i will save money from now onwards starting by the $40 first then next year,if it reach $300 i will use some of it to buy the tickets plus $40 so i can sit in the front row!!I'll pray that BEAST will come to Singapore next year,they become more popular and sucess in the future....Ill sure pray for that!!And one more thing my cousin says i have $40 then she'll pay the rest soo i can sit in the front row!!!Then the money i save i can use for other thing...urmm isn't it a good idea...Still upsad!!But nvm lucky i dont bout the concert yesterday, my auntie and mom advise me if i pay $35 onli i will come bck wf a dissapoint face..=(..So thats Y i nid to save money so can sit infront....HOPING BEAST WILL BECOME SOO SUCESS IN THE FUTURE!!!! <3
words spilled @ 12:14 AM / leave goosebumps here

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hi-yume!Thats my new fav word to use now bcos Gi kwang (BEAST/B2ST) always us that word when he wanna say hello...I just wanna write something short for today post..As you can see in my blog there lots of korean things....Okok,let start by introducing my boyfriends side here..Haha!
The first picture there is my boyfriend i love him..LOL,Haha,!Ok thats Gi Kwang the vocalist,then the second one is Doo Joon the Dj,the third one is Yoseob the vocalist,the forth is Hyun sueng the vocalist,the forth one is Jun Hyung the rapper and the last is Dong woon..You could see rite that they hot!!!!??Ok gtg!have to get ready for my bdae party...
words spilled @ 7:55 PM / leave goosebumps here


Hey Guys as u can see i just change my blogskin..I know its beautiful.!!Haha chey just kiddin..
Yeah starting from now im not totally a biggest fan of Justin Bieber nymore but BEAST/B2ST until i want to change my blogskin!Haha!I totally absessed and in love wf BEAST/B2ST!!But i love Gi Kwang and Yoseob but but i love Gi Kwang the most but ofcos i also love The band....Btw let me tell all of u the story of BEAST/B2ST....BEAST they promote their just last year!They became soo popular like daMn popular!They've came to Singapore before but that time i didn't even noe BEAST but i've seen my friend nameera holding BEAST "The New Era'VCD...And i just dont care bout it.Hehes..!And yay i love my birthday cuz its on November and lot of my family member haven't give me any present so im lucky they didn't bought me the Justin Bieber disc....And i wanna them bought for me BEAST VCD!!!yesssa im soo happie!Then tomorroe my family will celebrate my bdaee!yayyayaya!!haha..I noe very childish!ok gtg bye!!
words spilled @ 3:04 AM / leave goosebumps here