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»LIST Of things to Do..
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hi-Yume!!Its night now bout 0915..

Just gonna update a list of thing my family and i gonna do

this week and some other week..
(J means sucess)
->Celebrate my bithday party. (J)
->Fly Kite this Satuday @ West Cost.
->Go Swimming maybe @ Wild2 Wet.
->Go to my new school @ Regent Sec.
Guess what all the things list up there
include my cousin, Adib Farhan...AIGOO!!!
Then just now my bdae party Kak ain gave me a mug pretty u noe,haha!
Then now i gt $61 later left $56 if i gave my sis...
Okay done Bye-Yume!
words spilled @ 5:14 AM / leave goosebumps here