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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hey fellows!!Got lots n lots to share wt u todae!
Just now my class,6-kindness &6-Patience went to Marine Barradge..!!
We must do a competition where i gt to team up wt Amira.Ran.Guan Rong,Kian Yang n Mandas,it was fun teaming wt them,we play,we laugh & irratated!!
After all that we done we re get to play kite..First of all,MY KITE WAS THE HIGHEST!!!!I beat themm!!!!!yayayayayayay!!I think i will get even darker skin..
ADam have win my laughter!!!he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!!
If i wanna laugh i will make him to make me laught!!
Then before we wentplay captain ball!Angelina choose me in her team...
After play that we sit wt our partners!!Adam sit behind me!!Then we go n see the boys from 6-diligence play captainball..Then Amirul fall wt his friend..Then he touch his........Then me,Adam,Hidayah,Nadhirah,Iliyasa laught rabak3 giler nyer....haaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhaaahahaahahahahahhaahhaaahah!!!!!!OKay onli tat okay bye lah!!
words spilled @ 5:16 AM / leave goosebumps here