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»STILL upsad but!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hi-Yume!Haishh,still upsad bout BEAST concert..TT_TT.!!!
IDK what to say?Is BEAST still in Singapore?Maybe they are...
I can't stand it..Dhyrah miss Kim Hyun Jung and i miss BEAST..
Such a waste like what Diyanah says!But nvm my friend Irrah gerlgerl Siow will keep me update if BEAST comin to Singapore!then we will go to the Airport together2 to see up-close wf the BEAST!
Then Just now and yesterday my auntie gave $10 then my father gave me $30..I keep appreciate that $40 even though its little..
Then if BEAST nver get to come to Singapore i will go to Justin Bieber concert what to do rite want BEAST but then JB but sure BEAST will come..!For Sure!Yesterday concert that BEAST made the ticket cost,$35 onli isn't it cheap but have to stand behind2 ahh so i will save money from now onwards starting by the $40 first then next year,if it reach $300 i will use some of it to buy the tickets plus $40 so i can sit in the front row!!I'll pray that BEAST will come to Singapore next year,they become more popular and sucess in the future....Ill sure pray for that!!And one more thing my cousin says i have $40 then she'll pay the rest soo i can sit in the front row!!!Then the money i save i can use for other thing...urmm isn't it a good idea...Still upsad!!But nvm lucky i dont bout the concert yesterday, my auntie and mom advise me if i pay $35 onli i will come bck wf a dissapoint face..=(..So thats Y i nid to save money so can sit infront....HOPING BEAST WILL BECOME SOO SUCESS IN THE FUTURE!!!! <3
words spilled @ 12:14 AM / leave goosebumps here