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Monday, November 29, 2010

So how u guys been all this while?Feeling happy with ur PSLE result,Down with ur PSLE results,Happie going for holiday,Happie gt to buy new things?=)
OKay nvm lets start a new topic this week...I've not blog aniething yeah recently,but im gonna blog something..Lately ive been soo obsessed with a korean band called "BEAST/B2ST"!!!Irfan just comment @ Diyanah post about JUstin Bieber that will throughly hurt JB fans feeling but i didn't as i like B2ST and he said that BEAST is gay..Perangai macm sial..OK..I remeber some of their songs..Shock,Beautiful,Bad girl,Oasis,Breath and the others cannot remember..They HAWT then Justin Bieber....Cooler and not Gay!Urmm btw i will be going to the beach this Sunday to celebrate my birthday and my cuzie that will be going to NS...Then maybe the two week or three weeks after i will be going to KL...With whollleeeee of my family and rife using car maybe or we book grassland bus for our own if grassland bus fun ehy have toilet soo if stomach ache can go toilet..='(
words spilled @ 6:00 PM / leave goosebumps here