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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hey Guys as u can see i just change my blogskin..I know its beautiful.!!Haha chey just kiddin..
Yeah starting from now im not totally a biggest fan of Justin Bieber nymore but BEAST/B2ST until i want to change my blogskin!Haha!I totally absessed and in love wf BEAST/B2ST!!But i love Gi Kwang and Yoseob but but i love Gi Kwang the most but ofcos i also love The band....Btw let me tell all of u the story of BEAST/B2ST....BEAST they promote their just last year!They became soo popular like daMn popular!They've came to Singapore before but that time i didn't even noe BEAST but i've seen my friend nameera holding BEAST "The New Era'VCD...And i just dont care bout it.Hehes..!And yay i love my birthday cuz its on November and lot of my family member haven't give me any present so im lucky they didn't bought me the Justin Bieber disc....And i wanna them bought for me BEAST VCD!!!yesssa im soo happie!Then tomorroe my family will celebrate my bdaee!yayyayaya!!haha..I noe very childish!ok gtg bye!!
words spilled @ 3:04 AM / leave goosebumps here