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»Busy Like A Bee!Bzzzz!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

HUhu!Hi-Yum!Its been quite long sing i update my last post yeah!The reasonly is that i've been quite busy as skool is drawing near,lots of activities to be done on the weekend..Bout the weekend things is really a weekend junks..My schedule for weekend is super duper busy!I've been going out wf my uncle families for about 3 weeks and this weekend we're gonna go on a picnic and this Sunday we're goin on another third time kite flyin,but this time at woodlands...And yah tomorrow im goin to my new skool and its Regent and guess still same skool as Amirul...Then this friday my auntie,my uncle wife that my family been goin out wf us is bringin me and my sister watch movieand i still forget wats the title of it...BTw this while i dont why i've been wf SHinee and Taemin...Hmm..
words spilled @ 12:55 AM / leave goosebumps here