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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hi-Yum!Guess Fb becaming so boring now,plus the games now...Nth more to do now in Fb..Lucky im in this generation bcos next year ill be soo busy and tired until i've no time to on the com/lap even if im not busy ill do aniething to make no time for the com/lap!But now,when i've nth to do in the fb my friendly friends which is,Blog,Twitter and youtube will make me alive bck cuz there so manie things we can do in this website and its worth it..Like now im using the blog!I can express and say anithing i want..!I love Twitter bcos it connect us to the other world and the ones that we dont noe to make friends!Twitter is the best aite and it is even better than Fb cuz fb onli connect us to the one we know and if the artist have fb then so manie people add them until 5+++ the rest cannot add already!So twitter is the best and youtube we can find anie intresting vid and i always find my boyfriends vid bcos they talented!<3
words spilled @ 3:38 AM / leave goosebumps here