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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hi-yum!Wth!just now heard the thunder than now rainning already!

How??@ my auntie house wf my cousin here..Easy say so manie people lah!How?It will be so cold!There no blanket!!Now not alone aninore,auntie woke up go outside the house do something...Cousins sleeping and the other cousin in the room play com wf friend!On the music from com very loud in the middle of the nite wait2 wat time is it now?OO its 1.03 am in the morning!!Erghhh so cold the wind from outside came inside!Bck here,mom in the room watching tv or wat auntie watching or listening to radio in the room and me in the living room alone wf eyes wide open infront of the lap!Its dark!!Btw everybody close their door!Aniway later fun abit sleep in the crowd!Heheh!Ok my butt is pain sit infront of the lap and siting for couple hr on the chair!Sleepy!Gonna of9 soonMy mom wanna use!BTW the picture i use is a picture of a show that Gi Kwang owns!Now im obsessesd wf SPX shoes!Manie kpop artist use that kind of shoes!!!GTG!Bye-Yum!
words spilled @ 8:57 AM / leave goosebumps here