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Monday, December 26, 2011

HeyHi!School Holidays ending soon..Excited but not ready in te same time..Yes next week..
New juniors..Hope those junior tk step lah eh kat skolah.Tapi conferm
lakilaki sec 2 conferm mintk steadnyerh..Lagilagi ex aku..:b
Eh,ahah,look thru old photos when i was nursery and try to search them
on facebook..Found most of them..The 1st person i search was
my zaman gemilang crush..:b Muhd Rhydelfy<3
I saw his profile then i faint,chey..But serious,when he was little he was very shy..
I call him shyboy..But he totally change..SUMPAH!He used earings,have his
eyebrow pierce,can't deny his soo hot!>.<
I still remember,i was the only girl that near to him..Because he was a shyboy last time
that people dont always go to..He was very caring last time..Hulla-Hup moment..<3
But he is still nice now..Dah mcm matrep but still nice.I chat with him yesterday,
and yes he is still that nice,polite boy i noe..And the part i was truly shock was,he was bestbuddy with my ex,Ichap..Ye larh,kan dulu ichap skool kat clementi sane..Tsk,memang serious,klau aku maseh skool kat clementi,smpai skarang aku kat sane..Ramai sia,kawankwan gemilang aku kat sane..Kaykay tu jerh..Bye..
words spilled @ 12:35 AM / leave goosebumps here