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»Damn it!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Heyyyy human!! How are ue?
Fine?Good?Okay stop it,hahah!! Say what,ilove todae..
Urhhh,kinda rite..Noe why,idk why,this guy,suddenly,mad at me..
Me like WTH! Todae at skool...Idk why,suddenly,the class,
Syamim,start story telling about Sharuq...Its damn weird ya'll noe...
@ Class,Syamim keep storystory about sharuq,i think haikel overheard it,
and Syamim callingcalling about sharuq to me,haikel suspect it already,
and he knew,what exactly happened...So,from that time onwards,
he start,ignoring me,like he was aslept then the paper on his table
need to be distribute so,i call him to awake,but he ignore me...Almost,Huda,
Syamim,Adib my gerls keep,telling that sharuq ask for stead,he really mean it,
accept him...I just ignore them...Haishh,i think haikel might as well,
dissapoint wif me...Yeah watever,idont even like haikel,his just friend for me..
Bestfriend..Haikel,didnt msg me,something sweet todae. :(
Then,just now at class,there once,haikel did not ignore me..
He laught3 and playful with me,mel and nana...
Then suddenly,melissa told nana,that Sharuq came more near because
he was jealous of me..Lol~WTH u guys..Negative thining horhh melissa!
Okay thats all,for now!Byee!!!
words spilled @ 5:19 AM / leave goosebumps here