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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Heloo!Im still speechless man!
OKayokay,though its just "sport carnival games",i was totally,
uncontrollably happy for my 1-3..They awesome!
Even theres lots of fight in my class and also fights with other class,
with a class spirit support,nothing is impossible rite!?I noe my class is not a
cool as any other class,but for me,they super awesomies!
ILOVETHEMmanymany okayokay!<3
Yerp i forgot about a spectacular meal last thursday..
Woots,a most complete meal ever.200 bucks,meal.
Lovin it man!Then i went to my aunty house,and they've
become rich ready..Man,karaoke,tv,living room things all are been ordered ready!
Jealous man!>< But never mind h care rite.. And yah,next week,start the fasting month ready!
Can't wait,to loose some weight!K thats all,byeeeee!

words spilled @ 6:55 AM / leave goosebumps here