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»AKWARD was once my fav word...
Friday, August 19, 2011

Heyyy people good morning...Im feeling so ufresh!
Hahah,i havent bath.Hheheh! Rite,im addicted to How to love by
lil wayne..U should listen,it relaxes ur mind when ue're not in a mood..
Okay then,there still 1 more week left before hari raya...
Then yesterdae me and gang Tak puase..Huakhuakkhuak..
Its all because of the P.E teacher arhhh..Fish him!So then,because we're not fasting,me and melissa decided to lepak,,we lepak at CCK,Bukit Panjang...Yeshh,we're such a crazy ass yesterdae...Kays,for that,i story2 hah,IDK how,this boy get my hp no but the last time prank call him was 8th of August...Then last two daes,he called me but i didnt noe whose number at first so,i decided to say wrong number..I tried to ask My abng ipa by asking him whose number is this....He said Haikel,so i said oo okay..I text haikel,saying is this haikel,blablablabla,then from that day onward he text me and call,he called me once after skool,just rite after mother tounge lesson,he ask me,where am i,with who,he didnt saw me larh..I was like why the hell,he call me..Werld ehkk..Hahah!Then sitting arrangment need to be change,then i sit beside him,memekak siuuuul....Yesterdae,while eng need to do compo so then,when i was doin,i fell my phone vibrate,so i check,i sas haikel,asking me,what am i doin...WTH,just rite beside still wanna ask,,SOT!Hahahah! K lah,thats all,todae goin Geylang,klau teguh nmpak...Hahahah!Bye!
words spilled @ 5:03 PM / leave goosebumps here