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Friday, December 16, 2011

Hi hi hi hi hi!Holidays will be over like in a few more weeks..Yeah,kinda miss schoo and friends but in the same time,nahh..I still hate studying at school..=.= Ooo yeah,currently watching X-factor encore,ohmyyyy!Chris Rene sooooo damn hooot!*MELTZ Heehee!:B Woohoo!I loveee my samsung galaxy S II ph soo muchh!Guess now more people wanna start using the same ph as mine..Hell yeah!!Linaa Vanilla alsoo..Come let me remind you guys,Iph 4s is not any better than Samsung galaxy S II,,Samsung galaxy S II is now trend..Most people start using it!<3 <3 <3
NOw my oh can surf thru internet wherever i go..Just watch Breaking Dawn on my a few couple days ago..No need go Cinema watse money,need to go toilet than walk around,people complaint,cannot call people inside the theather..See,me,watch in my room,very calm..<3 Than now,my sibligs is not home yet,oo wait,one of them,just came bck..Thanthan,another 2 went to a carnival downstairs..They were invited..Than after they bck later,we'll get ready to go IMM to buy some school stuffs at the popular..
words spilled @ 10:22 PM / leave goosebumps here