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»Find someone better..:))
Monday, October 10, 2011

Hiii!!!Haa,its exam time this week,last week too..
Guess what?!I just break up wit Shahruq..Yeah,he ask for a break..
What to do?Okay STOP,i just dont want to talk about him again!
The most meaaan guy ever!Okay than,just recently,on the same day,
i broke wit shahruq,Nabil didn't stop textin wit mee...Tsk,it irits sometimee..
I wonder why at first but then after a long time,i got to noe,he like me.
I was like are ue kiddin me?!Than,he kept asking me,whether,i want any bdae presnt?
I said,im on anything..Than yesterdae,he gave me,the early present,
it was a necklace,I Love it!!!<3 <3 His friends,kept telling me,
that he Nabil wanted to stead wit me...After,me and mel went bck..Syafiq,
told us ,if i want a partner,i said why.He told s that,Nabil,has been
waiting fer me since term 1 and now i reject him,he was heartbroken..Sorry yaww
Nabil!I dont like ue that much..I treat ue as my bro and Bestf...
Find someone better yawww...Im single remember but im unavailable..:))
words spilled @ 9:59 PM / leave goosebumps here