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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Firstly,i want to wish all Muslim people Selamat Hari Rayarh..
I noe i noe,im late wishing but idontcare..
Okay since i haven't been updating my blog lately,
i've got quite a number of story to tell ue guys... Soo,Melissa had just stead with Syafiq,
the day after rayarh...Im not in skool that day,so guess,i did not seen the
scene that Syafiq ask Melissa for stead..
On that day,too,Me,Shahruq,Melissa and Syafiq lepak,its was akward at first
but i overwhelmed the akwardness then..;D Than last two dae,on Mondae,
Me,Shahruq,Melissa and Syafiq went to Lot 1,to watch Smurf,together
wif my familia!It was epic awesome!I just relised that,Me and boifie and
Melissa and boifie we always do things together,we can't be seperated or
later akwardness will struck especially melissa..Tsk3,-.-..
And i just relised also that i havent get my morning text from my smurf..Tsk!
words spilled @ 9:42 PM / leave goosebumps here