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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Heyyyy,monsterr!^^How life/amaciam life?
Best,okay..Well mine,was kinda awesome lately..Im attached againn..
Yeah,why?Problem?Imma be attached again,not long after i broke with my ex,
but im not a *playgirl* araso..It's just,that we both fell inlove* with each other..
Then,we've been texting each other for quite long..maybe 15+ days..We call each other,
when midnight strikes and chitchatting till 2 a.m..Thats what we call,sweet couple..Ceyyy!XP
He might be a player last time,but not now..But if what im saying still not a fact,nehmind..
Because,he gives me chance,to be his GF,to love him couple-like and much more..^^
Anw,we still texting each other now..We are talking about,when are gonna have
our babies..=P Hah!? GROSS??!!STFU!Its our convo,soo,dont mind..Recently we've been,
talking dirty things,with each other..-..- But its just for entertainment okaay...
Hmmmp,guess what,both of our birthday is just around the corner..
His on the 13th and mine on the 19th..Near?IKR!Okaay so,he want to bring me out,
to watch movies and he has $200 ready.I was like WTF!He said,he wanna buy me things..
And ask me to choose..I just don't like..Hmmmp,but he insist and force me..
*Bhy i dont like it when u force me okaay..* Then,till then..Bye!I love my boifie,much!
words spilled @ 5:55 AM / leave goosebumps here