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»Lemme be the baddest bitch aye!
Friday, January 27, 2012

Hi ya'll people!Hows your day today?
Well mine kinda sucks abit..What sucks?Being leftout and especially when
im treat as SHIT...-.- Enemy you respect with your own u socalled bestfriend,
me,like you talking to a bitch..Hais!Fcuk up...Kay peace..Shhh!
Andand when ue dont have any friends,you find who?Mcm biase,me..--'
Why oh why?Okay let see..Your talking to me like A bitch,lemme
play the role and be the baddest bitch!Alright..Amciam?
So today is friday,TGIF!:b K lah actually i've ntg else to share..Omg!Gahh!
My science test..Damn!This mon get it back..Lets pray for best or maybe not...But pls,
passsss!Okay im done!Thanks anybody who read it..You just waste couples of min reading this..
words spilled @ 2:03 AM / leave goosebumps here