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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Heyyy!Im bck todae!So hows ur dae?!Mine is better todae!Much more better!
Todae,i will annoucnce,im officially,
attach wif Sharuq Khan..<3
Kay,the story like this...Todae recess,me,nana,mel,all have gone out from the classroom,nana,ask to chill at the empy theather first..Bella's not wif us that time,she is still wif Yanie in the classroom..When we reach empy theather,nana whisper something at mel,and they didnt want to tell me...So i was annoyed already...I decide to go into the class,to meet bella..Syamim was in there wif other boys...Syamim was doin something at the door,me,belle,yanie all go and see...After all that,we went bck to discuss about Teachers Dae celecration,blablabla....Then suddenly,everybodie,come towards me...Its like everybody...They surround been surround me like that before...The onli one,infront me was,Sharuq...He said that he want to attach wif me...Then i was like,-.-,i just kept quiet...My other friends was like,accept,accept,accept........Then lastly,i said YES!:)
All of them start,clapclap,clapclap!!!Then everybodey was,congrats,congrats...
Otw to MT,me and bella..Adib and sharuq was like,trying to chase us...Idont noe at first,then adib and bella said,sharuq want to walk beside me..I dont want it at first then at last we walk together,,It was epic fail actally,then after MT,they ask to wait for Sharuq and walk together again...The one way that we always walk was close because of exam... So all of us have to walk one round...After MT,Syamim was there too..He overheard my friends..He FORCE me to walk beside Sharuq...It was KECOH....They make the benging sound like in the marridge thingy!Other friends was like,awwww so sweeett...Okay then,it suceed...Me and Sharuq walk the most front,other friends walk behind..Syamim was behind me and sharuq..He said he was the bodyguard...Reach the ARt room,Syamim ask me and sharuq to sit the most behind sit together...When other malay friends came in,they saw us..They was like,OMG!So sweet!Huda was like,Whattt,omgee,soo sweet!Hahah!Then,the middle of the class i pass the Z ring to Nana,she go give to Sharuq...Haishhh,Malu nyer!!!!Oh ya,i forgot,my friends can't stop saying that haikel jealous..-.- At art class also..Huda call Sharuq and point haikel using her mouth,and said jealous...Then,who lah,start,writing,about last long,thingy on a paper...At the paper also,syamim wrote,if haikel make problem on me and Sharuq relationship,he'll chop off,haikel into pieces...They start passing around the table...Haishh...Lastly at bus,Bella told me that,Haikel want to Break up wif Huda because,he want to stead wif me..Haishh!!!!Nehmind...Can't it any Sweeter todae...Itotallylove 25th August 2011!
words spilled @ 1:21 AM / leave goosebumps here

»Damn it!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Heyyyy human!! How are ue?
Fine?Good?Okay stop it,hahah!! Say what,ilove todae..
Urhhh,kinda rite..Noe why,idk why,this guy,suddenly,mad at me..
Me like WTH! Todae at skool...Idk why,suddenly,the class,
Syamim,start story telling about Sharuq...Its damn weird ya'll noe...
@ Class,Syamim keep storystory about sharuq,i think haikel overheard it,
and Syamim callingcalling about sharuq to me,haikel suspect it already,
and he knew,what exactly happened...So,from that time onwards,
he start,ignoring me,like he was aslept then the paper on his table
need to be distribute so,i call him to awake,but he ignore me...Almost,Huda,
Syamim,Adib my gerls keep,telling that sharuq ask for stead,he really mean it,
accept him...I just ignore them...Haishh,i think haikel might as well,
dissapoint wif me...Yeah watever,idont even like haikel,his just friend for me..
Bestfriend..Haikel,didnt msg me,something sweet todae. :(
Then,just now at class,there once,haikel did not ignore me..
He laught3 and playful with me,mel and nana...
Then suddenly,melissa told nana,that Sharuq came more near because
he was jealous of me..Lol~WTH u guys..Negative thining horhh melissa!
Okay thats all,for now!Byee!!!
words spilled @ 5:19 AM / leave goosebumps here

»AKWARD was once my fav word...
Friday, August 19, 2011

Heyyy people good morning...Im feeling so ufresh!
Hahah,i havent bath.Hheheh! Rite,im addicted to How to love by
lil wayne..U should listen,it relaxes ur mind when ue're not in a mood..
Okay then,there still 1 more week left before hari raya...
Then yesterdae me and gang Tak puase..Huakhuakkhuak..
Its all because of the P.E teacher arhhh..Fish him!So then,because we're not fasting,me and melissa decided to lepak,,we lepak at CCK,Bukit Panjang...Yeshh,we're such a crazy ass yesterdae...Kays,for that,i story2 hah,IDK how,this boy get my hp no but the last time prank call him was 8th of August...Then last two daes,he called me but i didnt noe whose number at first so,i decided to say wrong number..I tried to ask My abng ipa by asking him whose number is this....He said Haikel,so i said oo okay..I text haikel,saying is this haikel,blablablabla,then from that day onward he text me and call,he called me once after skool,just rite after mother tounge lesson,he ask me,where am i,with who,he didnt saw me larh..I was like why the hell,he call me..Werld ehkk..Hahah!Then sitting arrangment need to be change,then i sit beside him,memekak siuuuul....Yesterdae,while eng need to do compo so then,when i was doin,i fell my phone vibrate,so i check,i sas haikel,asking me,what am i doin...WTH,just rite beside still wanna ask,,SOT!Hahahah! K lah,thats all,todae goin Geylang,klau teguh nmpak...Hahahah!Bye!
words spilled @ 5:03 PM / leave goosebumps here

»Hate love...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hi people!Sorry for any late updates....As usual my life still
sucks like always...I just fall for this guy in my class but not anymore..
Truthfully we just text each other for 10 daes only..WTH..
He rejected my love..Fvck him...My second love rejected me and the first to
ignore my msges..Recently i just stop msging him,delte his msges,ph number..Haii..
Elmostickytape~Syamim,just finish chat wif me...I just confuse
with everybody..
Why they keep saying that,that guy,like to fool around
and has just lie me about this matter...
Its too confusing..Nevermind,ill ask him tomorroe rite..Okay bye yum..
I love me kaakak,abng ipa,atok,,OKay bye,ilovemelissa!

words spilled @ 12:07 AM / leave goosebumps here

»~Tonight Im loving ue~
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Heyyy!Im in the middle of watching BEASTLY online..
Its AWESOME ue noe..Better watch yaww!The guy is damn hot!
Sooo,it has been well in skool but most of my
friends noe that my secret about Sharuq,yeah watever..
Its no harm rite..
Okay,sooo,Sharuq like too,text me within
6** and at night..Sweet rite?But it made me mad at him,
he always didnt reply my msg..That is frusrating...
But yesterdae is superb...At 6** i was bored,so i decided to text him..
I ask him to tell me who he like and give me a clue..
He told me he like a girl from 1-3...And i was frusrated already..
It could be any girl in that class...My bestfriends or others..
Than i decide to ask for more clue...He told me,a close friend to Melissa..
Im clueless that time...I told him,It could nana or Bella..
So he text bck the girl that always text with him,me...
Fvck thats me!Hahah!Okay thats all,oh ya
its been fasting month lately and next week,start common test..Hate it much..
Its suck to the core liot!!

words spilled @ 7:59 PM / leave goosebumps here