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»Term 3!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Heyyy,B2UTYs!Hmm,skool have just start 3 days ago..Yaa,all have
been goin really well..IKR!This term is slightly better than the previous!!
My girls,now they're awesome!!Hope no fighting again yeah!Really hopping!
Soo,this term,is FnN!!I love it!GREAT!I've too partner Syamim and i didnt really like it bcse as i noe,syamim would really want to partner up wif Nana!!I noe,im not that close wf him and it felt kindly sad...Kbye!!
words spilled @ 4:35 AM / leave goosebumps here

»Im bck woots!
Friday, June 24, 2011

Heyyy peopol!!I just came bck from malaysia again!But instead of stying there for 3 days,i stayed there for 5 days...Yeah,okaylah for certain time..Then this mondae skool gonna open..Damn it!Boriinnggg!Wish skool holidaes would be longer...Kaykay,ill tell something!Theres one dae which i dream bout this one guy...He was soo handsome!!!Wish he be mine!!!Cant tell exactly what happend,but gonna tell ue guys more!Wait,ill tell ue guys...Hes tall,average skin colour...Hes older rite!Bye peopol!!See ue guys next time horh!

words spilled @ 12:27 AM / leave goosebumps here

»I love ma Dad!
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Hey supp!So yesterdae was father's dae!SO wats ur present fer him?
Fer me theres nth much..:[ Im not home thats why..
If im home also,i cant see him because his out,bac at nite..
I just text him on satudardae or should i say sunday?
Because i text him directly on 12am...Kay,later im out to JB back..
I think that all rite..Kbye!
words spilled @ 7:57 PM / leave goosebumps here

»My trip to JB
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Anneyonghaseyo!Hello!So wat ue guys been doin?Hmm,my holidae okay lah..
I went to malaysia,last few days..Syiok..Fun!I would want to go there again..Sooo,malaysia is like
hmmm,unsafe,safe country rite..Soo,they sell chewing gum there but not in Singapore..
So i bought it muchy!Hmm,i stayed in the fake cousin bunglow and it was awesome!First day,
i went there bout evening and reach they bout 6,u noe jam rite..
So then i start getting noy akward but okay because,they this girl name
Syakira and shes like soo friendly soo,she talk to me and then,i talk wif her and her sis which,
umm her sis and me were like soo close 7 years ago..
I was like super close wif her..Then we played this games..Fun..So second,we nver went out but in the evening we went to them pasar malam..And the pasar malam is not like then one in Singapore..Its more syiok!More food..More anything that singapore dont have..And its cheaper..So there my grandma bought lots of things for me..In the morning and afternoon three of us went and and play round there..Lots of dogs,cats ad rats..but i got fine wf that situation..
The third day..We when to Pontian..Far far far away...Tiring..Imagine 5 people squeezed in at the back site of the car..Cant stand..Im using tudong so hot!K ill tell more next time kay!Bye..Annyong!

words spilled @ 5:07 AM / leave goosebumps here

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The picture that wrote I've never been good enough is not meant to be posted but then,the picture is attached together wf the one im wanting to meant..
So yeah,that sentence really have lots of meaning to describe people that 'step manerh nyerh world'...
And like duhh,ofcos,,i type people not just one person..
So yeah,anybody can not 'terase' and can 'terase'...
Sooo the one once who terase,chnge that bitching attitude of urs kay..
Hahahha,kaykay,the reason those kind of saying came out,
just because,its for fun and yes,
some of them are really meant to be to for people like that..
Hmmm,dont angry horhh people....Hehs..>.Wahhhh,so cold,its like raining cats and dog or even worst...Hahah,the funny thing is,i slept at 650 this morning,
and then,gosh,i woke up at 10+...Shut it...I need the toilet now...BByong...
words spilled @ 7:41 PM / leave goosebumps here

»Get me out from this hell pulss..
Friday, June 3, 2011

Heyyyy...So how ue all have been doin this holidaes?
Me,quiet fine..Nth awesome or something thats fascinating to do..
So yeah,just left to play computer and go to my religion class..
So,people out there,plss,this is my blog and so
its my pleasure to say anithing...Plss dont 'terase'...
Like this malay sentence 'siape yg makan cili dier lah yg terase..'
Meaning that,the one who did smething and i tell bout their mistake and they
tot that im the telling bout them,that means,they the one who had did it and make me completely angry..So yeah,theres this one particular girl which i cannot describe much bt to tell about wat im not sastified bout her...
And yeah,this one particular gerl,idk how she could change from being a nerdy to a really faketobecomesomethingawesome...I was like,wtf..It made me really frusrated wf them..Shes kind of flirt not little not much..Seldom shes kind and caring to me...Im being nice to her,and wat did she treat me bck..Something cool u noe...She made me lest out and being thrown dont noe where on this really,nah i also dont noe how to descirbe it....
words spilled @ 8:08 AM / leave goosebumps here