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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Heyyy there!I noe,i noe,its been while since update my blog..
And since i decorated my blog,i decided to update a post..
Hell Yeah,its June holidae!So,i pass all my exam..Then last week was PTC
and yes,all the comment was good...My mother was proud of me...Im glad now
is holidae..No mendaki,skool...Kay,so im already addict to TOP and GD and yeah PARK BOM...Shes like super duper cute...Can ue imagine shes like 27 to 28,shes cute..
She attract my attention..Hell yeah,shes my bias!!!<3
words spilled @ 11:00 PM / leave goosebumps here

»PLsssssss,all of u soo overprotective..
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Soo heyloww..Mmmm
i really can't wait for d Beach partey wf my classmates,1-3..
Im really hoping more coming..More the merrier rite..:)
SO theres little problem,this refer to my grandparents..They overprotective so
the beach partey is on Saturdae which,on that day or weekend
im always at their house...So im still nervous if i can go or not..
My mother whose the one who'll always gave me
permission to go anywhere..When it start on my grandparents,fuhh
im dead...Still hoping..SO i might as well,when bck to my house on fridae
and stay there rite till saturdae..Urmmm still hoping no Mendaki...-.-''''
words spilled @ 9:13 PM / leave goosebumps here

»Sorry im blabering shits...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hey people...:)So hows ur dae todae?
Mine,errr,okok..But i kinda got a headache now..
Which i really dont like..Yeah,i really hate headache..
It made me wanna puke..-.-''Soo,i wanna download,Dania's photos but it look
small,so i change my mind at put this cookie monster pictare..<3
And yeah forget about the post before this..Erhmm,i seriously hate fighting thats y im an
open minded girl and stop,if not ill be blabering shit..:P
Soo,todae im not skoolong which idk y..
Cuz usually after exam,starts a normal dae after that..
Sorry im blabering shit right now..This headache really drive me crazy..
bye..<3 Lots of Love,human.

words spilled @ 10:21 PM / leave goosebumps here

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hey 3 suckers out there
ur attitude sucks you noe...U dont noe,go look at mirror
and see hows ur behaviour...Like dog ue noe...
Dont noe i said go look look at mirror...
EHhh nk bende buat baek nan aku,zahidahhhh,zahidahhhh..Thnk u i love u...
Typical malay girls now..Prangai like Sundal!!!Whatever ehh,jangan pijak2
pale aku mentang2 aku baek nan korng..GET A LIFE LA WEII!!!
words spilled @ 9:35 PM / leave goosebumps here

»Why is it soo hot??

Hahahaha!!Cute or wat!?
Sooo,its damn hot out here...
Wish i could be in Seoul now,cold there..:)
34'Celcius ya now here...
Wahhh,can i bath again...God make it rain plss...
Its hot out here...Is It bcos theres too manie sin already
been makin on Earth....Omo...K

words spilled @ 12:26 AM / leave goosebumps here

»"Confidence,is always my own weapon" Seungri..
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wow,what can i say,hes cute,hawt,sexy!!!!
So,ue just read isn't it?Hmm,what did he said,
"Confidence,is always my own weapon" Seungri....Soo
starting from now,my weapon is
Just get that in ur mind,confidence,rite!!!

words spilled @ 6:43 AM / leave goosebumps here

»Ue noe?
Friday, May 6, 2011

Heyyyy guysss,wazzuupp?
So this days,boredness always struck at me..
I've got nth to do,all left is posting tumblr,big bang photos on facebook..
Then,watch big bang videos,which i repeat it many time..Almost
all of the videos i watch already..Then i went to which i watch IY=Invicible Youth...And yeah,
Seungri smile is the cutest in the whole wide world!!
So,catch ya,next time!

words spilled @ 11:14 PM / leave goosebumps here


Get ur NOOB thinking out of here suckers!
So yeah,i've not update aniething yesterday,bcos,im soo lazy..
K bye!

words spilled @ 2:08 AM / leave goosebumps here

»Hey suckersss!!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hey yooo suckers that are reading this!Wazuuupp!
Yesh,i've been addicted wf this boy band!Especially the 2nd
one!Seungri!Hes hot!And yeah,G-dragon!
Im soooo into them!!!
SO i so sick of this running nose and headace!
Huuu,bout 1h just now,im bck from meeting lizaa and her friend...Rein
u noe?Badly lagik!Im all wet!
But theres something quite shock ahh..SCSS!
One of Lizaa friend,punye friend smoke..SO we follow her smoke at the
staircase so nobody saw lah!Wat i meant is teman dier...
So bck home gt to noe,my parent oreder pizza..
Ofcose balek lapar,just nice,lay on the bed then the pizzaman came!Now still
suffering from this running nose!It sucks u noe!!!

words spilled @ 4:06 AM / leave goosebumps here

»Awwww I Love Seungri To The Max!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

OMGod!What has got into me?
Just Yesterday,idk why im so into one of the Big Bang member,Seungri..
I just love him!His a cute maknae!
I just love his V.V.I.P music video,with his super hot smile in it!
I just soo freakin out with him!I fall in love with him and dont even noe wat im writing
about!I just type type type wats i wanna say,but
now in my mind there Seungri...
Seungri I Love ue!Take care!Muahhhh!
words spilled @ 9:26 PM / leave goosebumps here

»Currently im obsessed wf LOVELIES!
Monday, May 2, 2011

Heylow human!How are you today?Fine?Good?Okay?
Hahah!Sarcastic seii...Curently listening to MnM song...
Not a fan of him or like him either,thats why i don't noe his NAME..XP
Been sooo obsessed wf those kind of pictures up there.. <3
I LOVE Big Bang songs....>,<
Listening to >Tonight<
Guess,i've notheng else to tell/say.....
Gudbye,sweeties plus suckers!
words spilled @ 9:56 PM / leave goosebumps here


Hey guys!So u miss me?Sure u miss,isn't it...Sorry
i've been closing my shop(blogspot) for quite a long time..
You all know,when we grow older,its hard to give up time too so many
things..Like me...I've been goin to my religion class,thrice a week,
even the other two days,im really busy...C'mon,i've got to give it up to studies,CCA....
And ya,so my CCA now,is softball,are you NutS,im getting more darker..Owww
lucky its EXAM period if not,Tue,Thurs and Fri i gotta go for it,but i make up not to come on thurs.
So currently,i've been obsessed wf manie things,i've been obsessed wf buying things from Blogshop
peeps..Its awesome!Those who have not try it,gotta try it too kays!!!
Then So long Suckers...Tomorrow Geo paper,wish me luck babey!!
words spilled @ 7:46 AM / leave goosebumps here