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Monday, May 2, 2011

Hey guys!So u miss me?Sure u miss,isn't it...Sorry
i've been closing my shop(blogspot) for quite a long time..
You all know,when we grow older,its hard to give up time too so many
things..Like me...I've been goin to my religion class,thrice a week,
even the other two days,im really busy...C'mon,i've got to give it up to studies,CCA....
And ya,so my CCA now,is softball,are you NutS,im getting more darker..Owww
lucky its EXAM period if not,Tue,Thurs and Fri i gotta go for it,but i make up not to come on thurs.
So currently,i've been obsessed wf manie things,i've been obsessed wf buying things from Blogshop
peeps..Its awesome!Those who have not try it,gotta try it too kays!!!
Then So long Suckers...Tomorrow Geo paper,wish me luck babey!!
words spilled @ 7:46 AM / leave goosebumps here