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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Friday, January 21, 2011

Hi-yum!Okay i noe i've soo long nver update aniething in my blog...Sorry!Okay,as u can see
i change my blogskins,im lovin it and even though i used this skin,i still love B2ST and the blogskin i used before..:))BEAST Is B2ST!OKay recently wat happened in skool is like chaos always,like ya ofcos,1-3!Haha!I admire some some kids in skool,wether its girls or boys!Oh ya,last 2 week theres cheer competition and soo my class won the 1st prize in the whole 7 class!Glad plus happie!Yaya thnks to haikel and Sharuq!XP And ya,i started to like regent!OKay im starting to get bored having in arelationship urghh!stress lahh wf that things!If k-pop nvm if relationship,nono!!LOL!OKay,ANEYONG!
words spilled @ 9:30 PM / leave goosebumps here