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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Monday, November 29, 2010

So how u guys been all this while?Feeling happy with ur PSLE result,Down with ur PSLE results,Happie going for holiday,Happie gt to buy new things?=)
OKay nvm lets start a new topic this week...I've not blog aniething yeah recently,but im gonna blog something..Lately ive been soo obsessed with a korean band called "BEAST/B2ST"!!!Irfan just comment @ Diyanah post about JUstin Bieber that will throughly hurt JB fans feeling but i didn't as i like B2ST and he said that BEAST is gay..Perangai macm sial..OK..I remeber some of their songs..Shock,Beautiful,Bad girl,Oasis,Breath and the others cannot remember..They HAWT then Justin Bieber....Cooler and not Gay!Urmm btw i will be going to the beach this Sunday to celebrate my birthday and my cuzie that will be going to NS...Then maybe the two week or three weeks after i will be going to KL...With whollleeeee of my family and rife using car maybe or we book grassland bus for our own if grassland bus fun ehy have toilet soo if stomach ache can go toilet..='(
words spilled @ 6:00 PM / leave goosebumps here

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hey yaw asap!Guys im so damn happy!
Yesterday is the i have to take my results,and so i did..When im still @ my house i feel
happie and a little nervour onli and that shows that my PSLE results is good!Than i gt 170 as my aggregate!Im soo ahppy wf my results!!!!Then i beat all of my cousins results cuz bothe my cousin gt 169 haha 1 mark lesser heheh..!Than my mother and i choose which skool to go next year..She tot fajar near but it is deep inside some area..Haish then she wanna change me into teck why..But fajar was my 1st choice last time..haishhh!!!
words spilled @ 8:24 PM / leave goosebumps here

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hey there lovely peeps!Guess wat my birthday was on last Friday but ain't nobody celebrate it or give me birthday present but i've got some birthday present on the other day..Heheh!And the lovely part is when my lovely fb mates wish me Birthday wishes on my wall.=)And also i've got a lovely ring from my lovely friends..Than ya all know that my father brought bck a box bck home where it will connect to my TV and my family can watch so many channels and ofcos shows..And bcos of that thing i can watch the AMA!(2010 American Music Awards.)Ouh man how i am suppose to start..?Urmm Guess wat Justin Bieber my hero won 4 awards and it include the Artist Of The Year and that means he beat all of the artist in America..And wait there peeps know what?About 2 days ago i watch a show call 16 wishes and the main character is Debby,and that show is awsome.!Then last part here is important and not lovely at all!For those of u who hate Justin Biever soo much remember,everybodys not perfect okay then if u bored im talking bout it u can tell me in proper way rite dont nid to show off as if ure great..If u think that way okay,fine...URWAYS!
Okay bye my lovely peeps..!See u other time!=)
words spilled @ 6:45 AM / leave goosebumps here

»last dae of skool!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hey guys..!Now im in the com lab and im having fun taking photos wf dhyrah,nana,naz and my others friends!!!As u noe todae is the last im skooling in GRPS!! Sad liao!OK then bye sweety!! <3
words spilled @ 5:36 PM / leave goosebumps here

Thursday, November 11, 2010

~Weeeee..Yay,tomorroe comes the dae!Tomorroe i will go to the prom nite or so called graduation nite..Im soo excited plus all my friends..For the one hu nver go for tomorroe big partycgonna regret he/she whole life bcos its their one n onli last time we have fun in one big family!Gonna take lots of picture there..The dress have not been iron cuz scared tomorroe after skool dont noe wat to do..Then it will be boring..Then tomorow will webcam wf Dhyrah to get ready infront of the camera!!!Whoaa gonna be fun cuz this yer is the first one that p6 celebrate the prom nite..Previous yers there nothing such thing call prom nite in skool..heheh..This yer p6 bagde is soo lucky!!
words spilled @ 7:23 AM / leave goosebumps here