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»Chitt,ilove ue!
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Heyyyyy,everiebodehhhhh!Misshhh mee?
Suree,ue miss me ritee...Kay,i talk world kia!Holidae just started..
Kay soo,go die about holidae!I miss school,i miss my friends and my boifie!
Ahhhk,recently i stead wit this cute,hot boy,name ichap..
Kay,its like a dream come true to me..
Hmmm,ichap,ichap,ichap..Im not in love or soo,into him,its just that,
his famous,hot,cute to me...People say his a player and i belive
them,but did he change change?Hmmm,kay watever..
Thats all urhh...ADIOS!<3
words spilled @ 8:14 PM / leave goosebumps here

»Find someone better..:))
Monday, October 10, 2011

Hiii!!!Haa,its exam time this week,last week too..
Guess what?!I just break up wit Shahruq..Yeah,he ask for a break..
What to do?Okay STOP,i just dont want to talk about him again!
The most meaaan guy ever!Okay than,just recently,on the same day,
i broke wit shahruq,Nabil didn't stop textin wit mee...Tsk,it irits sometimee..
I wonder why at first but then after a long time,i got to noe,he like me.
I was like are ue kiddin me?!Than,he kept asking me,whether,i want any bdae presnt?
I said,im on anything..Than yesterdae,he gave me,the early present,
it was a necklace,I Love it!!!<3 <3 His friends,kept telling me,
that he Nabil wanted to stead wit me...After,me and mel went bck..Syafiq,
told us ,if i want a partner,i said why.He told s that,Nabil,has been
waiting fer me since term 1 and now i reject him,he was heartbroken..Sorry yaww
Nabil!I dont like ue that much..I treat ue as my bro and Bestf...
Find someone better yawww...Im single remember but im unavailable..:))
words spilled @ 9:59 PM / leave goosebumps here