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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Heloo!Im still speechless man!
OKayokay,though its just "sport carnival games",i was totally,
uncontrollably happy for my 1-3..They awesome!
Even theres lots of fight in my class and also fights with other class,
with a class spirit support,nothing is impossible rite!?I noe my class is not a
cool as any other class,but for me,they super awesomies!
ILOVETHEMmanymany okayokay!<3
Yerp i forgot about a spectacular meal last thursday..
Woots,a most complete meal ever.200 bucks,meal.
Lovin it man!Then i went to my aunty house,and they've
become rich ready..Man,karaoke,tv,living room things all are been ordered ready!
Jealous man!>< But never mind h care rite.. And yah,next week,start the fasting month ready!
Can't wait,to loose some weight!K thats all,byeeeee!

words spilled @ 6:55 AM / leave goosebumps here

»1-3 i love ue guys okay!
Friday, July 22, 2011

Heyy guys!Im so happy todae..
Ue want to noe what?
Earlier todae,my skool is having Sport carnival..
Then sec 1 is playing captain ball..My class competed wf all sec 1 class..
They lose 1 game to 1-6 but unexpetedly,my class boys won 1st place..
Then,my class girls won 2nd place for captain ball too..
I was so speechless..1-3 im proud of ue!I swear i LOVE ue guys muchmuchy!
words spilled @ 12:37 AM / leave goosebumps here

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wah piang ehh;Cute!!><
Ofcose forever and always Gi Kwang will be cute..
Weee,yesterdae i cook curry burger,yumyum
delicious..Then todae,IDK why,but todae i felt soo happy
or crazy!I just so laugh soo much with my Bestfriend Bella!I have a crush..Shhhh!!!Kaykay,i just admire not like...:P
words spilled @ 1:43 AM / leave goosebumps here

Monday, July 11, 2011

Annyong!!Imiss blogging man!
IKR!My mom,24hrs use the batt,not a chance seii,give me!
Soo yesterday was my potato day..Kay,so yesterdae,Its my potato
dae because,i was making this food that include potato..Its kinda fun..
Kay,now @ home,never go to my grandparents house..Stomach ach ahh..
K lah,bye poeple..:)

words spilled @ 1:43 AM / leave goosebumps here

»Happy sia!
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Annyong!Guess what?!
Im soo happy!IDK why but i really want to watch Monte Carlo!
Even though i super don't like Selena Gomez but i really want to watch..
Then just now,i ask my friend,if she want to watch Monte Carlo with me
and i keep adding saying to treat me then ill treat her next time..
She say OKAY!OMO,i was shocked sia!She say,i ask her on the right time!
She said,shes very rich now with 1oo$..I was soo happy then..
We discuss, when to watch and all!K lah bye!!
words spilled @ 12:32 AM / leave goosebumps here