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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Friday, January 21, 2011

Hi-yum!Okay i noe i've soo long nver update aniething in my blog...Sorry!Okay,as u can see
i change my blogskins,im lovin it and even though i used this skin,i still love B2ST and the blogskin i used before..:))BEAST Is B2ST!OKay recently wat happened in skool is like chaos always,like ya ofcos,1-3!Haha!I admire some some kids in skool,wether its girls or boys!Oh ya,last 2 week theres cheer competition and soo my class won the 1st prize in the whole 7 class!Glad plus happie!Yaya thnks to haikel and Sharuq!XP And ya,i started to like regent!OKay im starting to get bored having in arelationship urghh!stress lahh wf that things!If k-pop nvm if relationship,nono!!LOL!OKay,ANEYONG!
words spilled @ 9:30 PM / leave goosebumps here

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hello peeps!Miss me?Ofcos rite rite!Ahaha!So skoool just started last week!Well i have lots of fun wf OCLs,my new friends,and ofcos the activities but kinda feel terrible wf one of the class in my class,cant say out her name but she truely flirt u noe!Ahh i don wanna talk much bout her..I just wanna noe more bout her and be more close cuz now im not that close wf her onli the first day and a couple days more,now im wf Suliana and a friend of her.Her friend is damn funny!Even though shes talking wf Su i can laugh rabak bcos of her talking!Okay wanna tell stories bout recently ive been doin in skool and how it has been..Well the school has AWSOME OCLs!Fun activities..The thing i hate is,we cannot have our fringe let go (bayangkan cam ne nk tuka nie,dari dulu fringe sepet2 jer!),skirt very long even though its my size bcos rite the shirt is straight not like my pri skool skirt!Then angkle socks also cannot and this one i really hate,the socks ahh nid to use REGENT socks wf the letters there!Stupid sia that also nid!Okay then i told this May 11 JB coming to Sg and im so excited wgf my bielibers out there!Guess wat my cousin really sponsoring the tickets sia!love her!BUT BUT BUT BUTT!Must beg my father to let me go seii!
words spilled @ 1:20 AM / leave goosebumps here