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»My heart skips a beat..^^
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Heyyy sweetiesss....Well,hellooo....I want to share smtg....So,i patch back with ma ex,
Ichap...Hahah,oh yeaaa,i was soo happy durhh..^^ Okayy wait..April fooool....Hahaha..
Its April Babes and Dudettes..OK,lamee..Hahaha..But seriously,im serious about the patch bck.
>.< Ohhhweee..Me and Isyraf just patch bck recently...13 March..Soo,urmm,till our 1st monthsary
on 13th of April which is on Friday,omygawd...And also,Award day and Cultural night..
Okay,chill me...I've loads to tell..Ya,we patch bck on 13th April...Ya,his birthday date..><
Its random date....And oh ya,my class tee num also num 13..^^
Okay lets start...First..Urmm,on 7 March,it was Cohort camp till 10 March..Damn,misses much..
Yaa,it was wonderfull..Speechless..xD It was at urmm,at Sarimbun campsite..nehh,not scary at all.Then,uhh,not gonna talk much about it but just the finalle of the camp..It was,clubbing time baybyyyy..<3 I swear..I was dancing like mad...U even will be speechless seeing me dance there..I was like the only girl in pink that dances like mad,hahahaha!!After camp,on 13th of March the day that i patch bck with isyraf...He text me on ze 12th,,It was shocking but then,excited..See i told ya..It was worth it waiting for him..Beacuse i got that feeling that he still like me..xP Till today we still together..Had our first,second,third and so on kiss on the cheeks and the lips,,Okay wtv about that..He've been going to sch with me..Sending me home..I like that why than last time but i like his last time attitude than now..He's weird..Sometimes his nice and sometimes not..Then we've been fighting alooot..Like aloot..Then theres this one time we break again and patch bck again..So this is third time..Hahaha..LOL...12 more days to our first monthsary,,God please make it happened..Amin..^^ We hold hands,we laugh,we fool around on our way home..Then theres this sweet part,we were walking to sch then we hold hands,Irfanshah was there,our hands urmm,let go of each other ater walking infront of irfan then he told me,why did i let go if his hand?Haha,,I didnt baby..Then just now,he got SAF match with balestier,did i spelled it right?Okay,wtv,i told him to score then ill give him a surprise..After the match he told me he score a goal at the last one after both team had a tie,2-2..After that he scored a goal which make 3-2..hahahah..Proud of you bhy...And oh ya,he like to kiss me on the cheeks,and we hold hands and he really smell gooood....^^ I love his smell...Then on fri,he kept touching my face and chin,,Haiss,he soo kiut...Okay,bye baby..Meet you on Monday..Ya,he ahs been sending me home everyday..<3

words spilled @ 9:19 AM / leave goosebumps here