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Monday, December 26, 2011

HeyHi!School Holidays ending soon..Excited but not ready in te same time..Yes next week..
New juniors..Hope those junior tk step lah eh kat skolah.Tapi conferm
lakilaki sec 2 conferm mintk steadnyerh..Lagilagi ex aku..:b
Eh,ahah,look thru old photos when i was nursery and try to search them
on facebook..Found most of them..The 1st person i search was
my zaman gemilang crush..:b Muhd Rhydelfy<3
I saw his profile then i faint,chey..But serious,when he was little he was very shy..
I call him shyboy..But he totally change..SUMPAH!He used earings,have his
eyebrow pierce,can't deny his soo hot!>.<
I still remember,i was the only girl that near to him..Because he was a shyboy last time
that people dont always go to..He was very caring last time..Hulla-Hup moment..<3
But he is still nice now..Dah mcm matrep but still nice.I chat with him yesterday,
and yes he is still that nice,polite boy i noe..And the part i was truly shock was,he was bestbuddy with my ex,Ichap..Ye larh,kan dulu ichap skool kat clementi sane..Tsk,memang serious,klau aku maseh skool kat clementi,smpai skarang aku kat sane..Ramai sia,kawankwan gemilang aku kat sane..Kaykay tu jerh..Bye..
words spilled @ 12:35 AM / leave goosebumps here

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hi hi hi hi hi!Holidays will be over like in a few more weeks..Yeah,kinda miss schoo and friends but in the same time,nahh..I still hate studying at school..=.= Ooo yeah,currently watching X-factor encore,ohmyyyy!Chris Rene sooooo damn hooot!*MELTZ Heehee!:B Woohoo!I loveee my samsung galaxy S II ph soo muchh!Guess now more people wanna start using the same ph as mine..Hell yeah!!Linaa Vanilla alsoo..Come let me remind you guys,Iph 4s is not any better than Samsung galaxy S II,,Samsung galaxy S II is now trend..Most people start using it!<3 <3 <3
NOw my oh can surf thru internet wherever i go..Just watch Breaking Dawn on my a few couple days ago..No need go Cinema watse money,need to go toilet than walk around,people complaint,cannot call people inside the theather..See,me,watch in my room,very calm..<3 Than now,my sibligs is not home yet,oo wait,one of them,just came bck..Thanthan,another 2 went to a carnival downstairs..They were invited..Than after they bck later,we'll get ready to go IMM to buy some school stuffs at the popular..
words spilled @ 10:22 PM / leave goosebumps here

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hi ladies and gentleman..:)So hows life now?
Well,mine okayokaylah..Oh ya,i just broke up with Isyraf 2 days ago.;)
Hahah,its not that we fight or he got another scandal i guess but
we just not meant for each other..:)Anw,people..
Nothing much to say..Oh wait,yesterday i want shopping at Bugis,after
i went to lavender,take my bruh new passport..Fuck yeah,
i love Bugis soo much!<3 Want to go again ah next time..But this time with Melissa..
So i can shopping till night,hahah!One more thing,girla,stop attitud-ing okay..
Irritating you know..Siketsiket nk majok..Kau terase,kau peh seluarh dalam ehy..
Oh waitwait,im impressed with thing girl from 1-4,syika..She loves her bruther alot..
Im jealous im not a kind of a sister like her..Till than byee..:D
words spilled @ 3:55 AM / leave goosebumps here