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Thursday, July 15, 2010

iidah updates here!Now in my room play com..Sign in into google chrome.
The best one ever!-I guess not hehe!!It faster than the normal one that we usually
used!I've been using it for two daes!I love using it!
OMG!!I think bout two more weeks or three gonna be Puasa!The Fasting month
and the most religious month of all month for Muslim..That fasting month fall on August 10..In that month theres gonna e one week that i cannot fast.U noe rite why..
After that month gonna be fun! But not like last yer coz last my grandma still alive and there gonna be prelim..
They said that prelim gonna be more difficult than PSLE..Quite weird ehh..
Haishh!! Just now at skool was kiosk sia!!My class-6-Peace,Mr Shahrin never come..
Haiyaa..All the teacher that came to our class,just do their own things..Than got three periods that none teahcer come..Onli one of them Mr Yeo took us for onli 15 mins..okays that all..
Tomorrow gonna be a big day for my skool coz they are celebrating 15th anniversary of GRPS...K Good bye

words spilled @ 8:05 AM / leave goosebumps here