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»Shopping!!!!All the way
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Elo everyone.How ya doin?Umm last week and two week ago,were the most exciting week ever!Coz that week my family have been shopping all time..(the first week)On Mondae or Tuesdae my family went to Queensway to buy some new clothes coz the week b4 dat week my father went to Queensway to buy clothes at the same shop when my family went after that week..You know what all that clothes that we bought cost $5 oni..Then i just remembered that some shop at there sell shoes that have brand like adidas,nike or supra and more whoaaa like want to buy all!!!I was just about to buy and my father said never mind later he get his new job or get pay he will buy me them but more good one soo i can wear it went im bigger..Then after that week my aunty that now i seldom met ask my siter and me to go shopping with me..Then we just say okay..Then we went to 'Tom and Stephanie'and we like wow.She said we can choose whatever we one...And d clothes cost $19.90 and my sister bought 2 pieces and i also must choose 2 also but my greandmother said she bouht me one more..Fun Fun Fun fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


words spilled @ 6:10 AM / leave goosebumps here