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»Sian sia!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Just now the last day of boot camp then my class was soo excited +me to cuz thinkin bout going home and dat dae we have to go home at 9.00 like ,WHAT!Ya then we kept thinkin bout the camp fire,sure gonna be fun coz we will sing eenie meenie.Then when mr suresh lesson,he wanted my class to sing eenie meenie and btw we saw Mr shahrin and mr suresh ask him to come in...After they heard us sang they were soo happie..At 6.00 we have our dinner and mr Shahrin choose our class 1st to go down and we did and that dinner is a speacial one after that we wait at the Quiet zone for the other class finish their dinner..When all was set,there were soo manie song dat we have to sang then in therb middle Mr shahrin brought 6 Diligence to nowhere myn class know and we were so dissaponted wth Mr shahrin...Then dat class perform percusions...After dat we one to sang mr shahrin face like 'DUH..Whatever'Is it?In our heart says dat we can sang after dat class sang sia...And when the boot camp wanted to finish my class sang it and i was like Whatever u guys wanna sing,sing lah,then all of them paiseiii sia...That time the mean girl in my class was soo great...Mr shahrin and Mr Tan the one dat we like dont want to respect animoire...And one more thing Mr Mazlan *$nck*!!!!!


words spilled @ 6:44 AM / leave goosebumps here